Granite goes with metal, glass, wood, and other stones
Choosing materials that are diverse, in a design sense, for your kitchen or bathroom countertops will help you as you change up your look from time to time. Choosing a bathroom countertop which only looks good with one type of material will limit your choices when you renovate – avoid purchasing another bathroom countertop by choosing granite the first time.

Versatility in Your Kitchen
Granite works with your support structures
When you’re taking a kitchen from a modern look to a country or rustic look, the wood support structures are commonly exposed. It’s hard to change a support beam to match a countertop. But if you have a granite bathroom countertop you won’t have to – they’ll already work well together.
If you had chosen an all metal countertop, and then decided to remodel to a more rustic look…you’d have to buy another bathroom countertop! Granite countertops work with all of your support structures no matter how much you decide to show.
Granite works with your fixtures
A quick way that most people remodel a room, either to give it a new look, or to update it for a quick sale, is to change out the fixtures. This quick change can be made more difficult if you chose a poor countertop material when you installed your kitchen or bathroom cabinet countertop to begin with.
Granite is a natural element which lends to its ability to work with a wide range of fixture types – stainless steel, brass, cast iron, and copper all look great with a granite countertop.
Granite countertops look great with your cabinets
You can paint your cabinets a perfectly complementary color, or stain them as natural wood, and your granite countertops will always work design wise.
Choosing a granite countertop with a distinct color, such as our Red Dragon, may limit your color choices a bit more when it comes to paint, but not as much as you’d think as even this particular stone features other flecks of color that can be brought out with the right paint choice.
If your looking for versatility in your kitchen or bathroom, contact us at Stone World today. Our team in Nashville will help you get the most out of your countertop choice, giving you the ability to change up your style every now and then without buying a new countertop.